
용성이의 노란 숫가락.

충주의 어느 식당

용성이 휴지 뽑을줄 안다!

엄마와 아들

Bath in Korea

찬송듣는 용성이.

Big church!

용성이는 성경을 좋아해.


교회 유아실.

외삼촌과 용성이.

높은 아파트는 처음.


용성이가 긴다.

용성이 신난 얼굴.

JJ and TJ


Baby face.

Botanic garden

Family picture at Botanic garden


At Meli cafe.


아빠 너무 카메라 신경쓰네.

Father and Son

What is it?

Josh in the air.

Mom's foot.

A big ball

Something wrong? I like grandma's back.

Leave me alone.

Is it hot? Joshua in front of air conditioner.

Playing in Korea!

아기사랑 어린이집

Joshua at babylove in Korea!

Grandma's craftsmanship

Joshua plays with grandpa

Grandpa and josh

아빠, 고모, 할머니를 찾아보세요!

Sleepy in the middle of shopping.

Joshua and 1/3 of dad.

Joshua is driving.