
기쁘다 구주 오셨네 와 용성이.

기쁘다 구주 오셨네.

노엘~. Noel~Noel~

여~영광을 Songs from Ju family

용성이 세례받은날 예배후. Joshua's baptism day

크리스마스 밤. Christmas night

참 반가운 신도여.

토토의 첫번째 크리스마스 Joshua's the first christmas

Joshua Profile

Joshua and mom in the room.

Joshua is naked.

After bath.

Joshua learning

Teacher and student

Reading a book

Study with mom

Joshua reading

Study with dad

New coat!

Joshua and grandma

Toto at his chair

My boy

2007년의 네가지 크리스마스카드. Four christmas card options.

흑백사진. black and white pictures. Look at Joshua's face!

목사님과 우리가족. Ju family with Pastor Kim.

Ju family. 용성이의 가족들.

교회에서. Christmas day at church.

용성이 세례. Joshua's baptism.

Christmas eve.

크리스마스 쇼핑. Christmas shopping at woodfield mall.